5th International Conference on development – Operations Research


Lord Buddha college of Engineering and Management organizes 5th International Conference on “Development and Operations Research: Sustainable Growth” . On the occasion of 8th Annual Day of Operational Research Society of Nepal.

With the theme Development and Operations Research: Sustainable Growth, the conference seeks to bring together OR researchers, academicians and practitioners, whose collective work has sustained continuing OR contribution to decision-making. The conference aims to provide a forum where:

  • Participants can exchange ideas on how OR methodologies have been or could be used to enhance national competitiveness;
  • Researchers will present their findings dealing with the theoretical, computational, and application aspects of operations research;
  • Practitioners will share their experiences on the problems, methodologies and outcomes of applying OR to solve real-world problems;
  • Decision-makers could gain insights from experiences of others who have benefited from the use of OR in the public and private sectors.

Reservation/ Payment Methods: 

  • Payment may be deposited directly to Thapathali branch of Rashtriya Banijya Bank, SavingAccount No. 19154 under the name of Operations Research Society of Nepal
  • You may also issue a crossed check payable to the Operational Research Society of Nepal and bring to the office address.


Patan College For Professional Studies, Behind Kandevta Sthan, Kupondole, Lalitpur